EN / 繁中

舞蹈 ╳ 裝置 Dance X Installation /

You Choreograph



"You Choreography" Series

You Choreography, an interactive dance installation created by choreographers Chieh-Hua Hsieh and I-Fen Tung in 2015, was created through the individual experience and imagination into body movements and dances. You Choreography in 2020 is collaborated with local choreographer, who will visit the surrounding area of performing venue and local people to create special edition of You Choreography.

"You Choreography" Series

The Rabbit Hole with Alice
Real Life: Comprehensible and Incomprehensible

It’s an interactive activity that breaks down dance barriers. Movable boards create a performance space and welcome viewers to participate. They can put on any headphones in the space, follow instructions, and act in their own interpretations. Everyone can choose to be a bystander, a dancer, or eyes of the choreographer. Moving in or out, they create unique dance scenarios.

Released Year


Touring History

2018 Macao City Fringe Festival, Macau
2017 Hsinchu Arts Museum, Taiwan
2016 Gwangju Museum of Art, South Korea
2016 Weiwuying Taiwan Dance Platform, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2015 Premiered in Taipei Arts Museum, Taiwan


Choreographer|I-Fen Tung, Chieh-Hua Hsieh
Voice|Ying-Xuan Hsieh, Daniel Wang, Yin-Chen Cheng
Sound Effect Design|Chun-Te Liu
Graphic Design|CHENG Hsiu-Fang